101 Magical Picture Puzzles and Stories

Rather than being just a table of randomly placed numbers, each puzzle in this book depicts an object or a notion. An article on the depicted object gives the puzzle its own personality and provides for a unique solving experience. Presenting the reader with a comfortable view of both the puzzle and the accompanying article, the book's album-like format makes for a special gift. While contemplating his or her next number choice, the reader can enjoy an essay without the distraction of having to turn the page. The Collector's Edition is printed in full color as originally conceived and contains a special inscription signifying the exploratory character of the project. Given that this work is rooted in the pleasure of puzzle solving and reading about intriguing topics, the black & white version retains the essence of this work.

Standard Edition Sudoku Stories Cover Collector's' Edition
Size: 8.5x11in Size: 8.5x11in
Cover: Full Color Cover: Full Color
Interior: Black & White Interior: Full Color
Publisher: Quadrature Books Publisher: Quadrature Books
ISBN-13: 978-0991323500 ISBN-13: 978-0991323517
ISBN-10: 991323505 ISBN-10: 991323513
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Where To Buy Where To Buy
$17.96 @ Amazon.com $33.70 (only @ CS eStore)
$16.95  @ CS eStore Explanation
Neither of the three purchase prices listed here offers any economic advantage to the authors; the prices reflect simply the best possible arrangements with the online stores and the high cost of printing in color. Hence the best approach to making a choice is simply to take the option which offers the reader the most enjoyment.

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